Patterico has an interesting interview with a mental health professional who worked with Gitmo detainees on a daily basis for an extended period of time. He has some very interesting insights into the people there and why they do what they do.
One key point that is often overlooked regarding detention:
They are held in Guantanamo Bay because they cannot be released to their home countries as they will likely face torture or death. We captured them fighting against us but have nowhere to put him. What is to be done? If you oppose the policy of indefinite containment, what do we do with them? Send them back to Egypt, Morocco or Saudi Arabia where they will be tortured and/or killed? If not that, what?
One key point that is often overlooked regarding detention:
They are held in Guantanamo Bay because they cannot be released to their home countries as they will likely face torture or death. We captured them fighting against us but have nowhere to put him. What is to be done? If you oppose the policy of indefinite containment, what do we do with them? Send them back to Egypt, Morocco or Saudi Arabia where they will be tortured and/or killed? If not that, what?