Move over Ann Coulter here comes Tammy Bruce: Hezbollah Among Us: "This is one example where everyone at this rally carrying signs calling for Israel's destruction and are sympathetic to Hezbollah should be considered supporters of the enemy, arrested and interrogated. And then, of course, either jailed or deported. And if they have somehow managed to become citizens of the United States, they should be stripped of that honor and then deported back to the pit from whence they came."
And this from a Democrat! She must be a Rovian plant! Under the control of zionist neocon cabal! Actually, her Democrat credentials were confiscated years ago when she wrote her autobiography and condemned the NOW gang.
And this from a Democrat! She must be a Rovian plant! Under the control of zionist neocon cabal! Actually, her Democrat credentials were confiscated years ago when she wrote her autobiography and condemned the NOW gang.