The Jawa Report: Fidel Castro Rumored Dead....Again

Update to previous post about Fidel taking a dirt nap:

Sounds like this could just be a rumor but there are things that give me pause. For one, remember when King Fahd died he was dead for some time before he official announcment. Why? It is believed his family had to work out issues of power and control before the announcment was made. Otherwise, a power struggle might ensue and that's bad for business. Could be the same thing here.

Then there's this:

He's stronger than ever

Methinks thou doest protest too much. Like Baghdad Bob he's giving the an outrageous and contrary spin on known facts.

Remember also when John Paul II was ill and certain to die, his condition was described as "grave" which insiders say was a way to tip them off that they ought to get themselves to the Vatican and start the funeral apparatus in motion.

In either case, we should know more in the next week or so. With rumors of his death circulating, there will be pressure on him to make a public appearance (or at least on radio) to assure everyone he hasn't shuffled off this mortal coil. I would take continued silence as a good indicator he's either dead or gravely ill.


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