The Washington Monthly is rumbling about an attack on Iran. I don't know how reliable these guys are but I think we're at the point where we have to do something. Sanctions are not going to work and Europe is hapless. Russia has a vested interest in keeping Iran as is. They need to sell them technology for hard currency. We're going around again. I'm no fan of going into Iran before Afghanistan and Iraq are sorted out but we're running out of time. Does the world really want a nuclear armed Iran? They are not going to give up their nukes based on incentives. Not. Going. To. Happen.

I'd prefer some sort of black bag job that sabotages the facility but that's a pipe dream. We'd be better off fomenting a revolution. Keeps our hands clean(er) and keeps Iran busy. The risk, is of course, much higher. We don't know the outcome even if there is a high probability of a pro-western, democracy (hopefully secular).

70% of Iran's population is under 30. They are kids who want what the west has to offer. They want jobs and technology and entertainment. Journalists have said that the most frequent question they get is; "How can I get to America" when they talk to them in the streets.

It's a gamble but at this point, it's one worth taking.


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