One thing I've noted in the last few years is a fundamental difference between left and right vis a vis, foreign policy.

On the left, it seems they want a humble US working in concert with the world as peers and on equal footing.

On the right, they want a president who puts America and her interests first. Especially when those interests are threatened.

I don't understand the former view at all. Why should we, as a nation, care what countries like Cameroon or Moldova think of our policies? Why should they have a veto over us? I want a president who "walks softly but carries a big stick". Why is that wrong? If America's interests clash with Russia's, why should we meekly submit? Why should we engage in endless diplomacy?

One thing I like about our president is that he spends very little time what other countries think about us. Rather, they should be worrying what we think about them.

That is not to say we should run roughshod over everyone and bully people. Rather, we should use carrots to reward our friends more. Egypt currently gets $3 billion per year from us. I don't see much that we're getting for our money. Germany and France are considered world powers but India isn't? Why? India has a billion people. The world's largest democracy and a nuclear power. France has as many people as California and their economy is small potatoes compared to India. Why should some effete French bureaucrat's opinion matter one whit to us?


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