I've found a collection of disturbing,
disconcerting, and Orwellian.
I've always been fascinated by North Korea. It is truly unique. It is a communist dynasty that is hermetically sealed from the real world. There is no external contact for the average citizen. No TV, no radio, no internet, no newspapers, books or magazines. It is a concentration camp nation run by a criminal thug-ocracy who's only principle is power. Kim is undoubtedly unbalanced and dangerous. I don't know why but I find this weirdly compelling. Probably because it's so completely foriegn to everything I know.
disconcerting, and Orwellian.
I've always been fascinated by North Korea. It is truly unique. It is a communist dynasty that is hermetically sealed from the real world. There is no external contact for the average citizen. No TV, no radio, no internet, no newspapers, books or magazines. It is a concentration camp nation run by a criminal thug-ocracy who's only principle is power. Kim is undoubtedly unbalanced and dangerous. I don't know why but I find this weirdly compelling. Probably because it's so completely foriegn to everything I know.