Did Russian Ambassador Give Saddam the U.S. War Plan? asks ABC News. It's pretty clear he did. It's also clear that it didn't matter for several reasons.

1. Saddams army had no will to fight. Most were conscripts who didn't want to be there in the first place so they quit as soon as the shooting started.

2. Coalition forces changed their plans throughout the campaign.

3. They were hopelessly outmatched.

I think we can firmly put Russia in the "traitorous snake" category. Not too long ago Bush was reassuring us the he knew Putin's soul and knew he wanted the same thing. The vast chasm that has emerged since then can only be due to the realization that while Russia has a problem with Islamic terrorists, they have more interest in keeping their business contacts in Iraq than anything else.

Any way we can punish Russia for it's treachery should be fastracked and approved.


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