Darfur Eyewitness is a photo essay of the ongoing horror in Darfur. It is genocide but Kofi can't be bothered to call it that. Doing so would require him to act. He'd rather go to another meeting, be feted at another event and go on covering his tracks in the OFF scandal. This is precisely the sort of thing the UN is supposed to prevent or step in to end. They did neither. They are feckless and criminal. Nobody in Euroe or America knows or even cares. Iraq is the only thing on the radar. Where are the self-annoited black leaders? We're talking about the wholesale slaughter of tens of thousands of black people. If they had any sort of principle, they'd be carping endlessly on about it.

The lefties out there are ready with their: "too bad they don't have oil". Indeed, too bad they don't.


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