Pat Buchanan's latest salvo is all over the place. He's convinced that we've lost the war and should leave those heathen sand monkeys to their fate. His language is more circumspect than that, but that's his overall point.

Not so says Jack Kelly. The Iraqi people continue to disappoint the Cassandras and naysayers and will continue to do so. Everyone is expecting miracles from us. We are supposed to rebuilt a society and a country in a few months with no setbacks. Critics are so concerned with the amount of money being spent and the lack of progress to show for it. Since when is that any measure used for anything the US Government does? If it is, great, let's take a long hard look at the departments of HHS, Education, Energy, Labor et al. Where is the hue and cry over the billions and billions spend on poor people who remain poor? The sick who remain sick? An education system that is getting progressively worse by the day?

I fail to understand why the harshest of Bush's critics wouldn't want to see Iraq succeed. Do they hate Bush so much they would allow the country to descend into anarchy and tribalism just to prove Chimpy Bu$hitler a lesson? I remember when the Left was about toppling dictatorships and the Right just wanted them to do business with us. Now, black is white, up is down and the Paleocons have made common cause with the Kos Kidz and want an immediate withdrawal, consequences be damned. The US is often beaten with the stick of "we created Saddam in the first place". If that is so (which it isn't), don't we have a responsibility to clean up our mess? If not, why not? Does anyone really think we should leave now? If so, do you think the result would be anything but bad?

Help me understand.


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