There has been much talk about the rioting in France for 8 straight days now. Wretchard has a map of the problem areas. Glenn has a comment citing the LA riots as a parallel. I think there are some parallels to the LA riots as mentioned elsewhere. Dalrymple's essay from 3 years ago ( predicted this very problem. The Muslim/immigrant population is kept out of mainstream life in France. Unemployment is very high and there are no prospects. High welfare subsidies + disconnection from mainstream society = fertile breeding ground for anger and resentment. There is a strong class system in Europe and certainly in France. Being born into the right family in Europe opens doors that would otherwise remain shut. (The same is true to a degree here but the upward mobility available in the US is unlike anywhere else in the world) White middle class kids often cannot find a job let alone a good one. When I was in France, the Seniors in college were deciding between the dole and a job. In one case, the student would only receive 500F (roughly $100) more per week for working. It wasn't worth it to take a job. Better to have complete free time, free housing and do what you will. If you made that same offer to your average 23 year old American, no doubt which they'd choose.
France is screwed because the police have said they cannot handle the situation. That only leaves the Army. Chirac IS NOT going to call them as that would be a confession that things are VERY BAD. So, either they hope to contain this until it dies down and then resume until next time, or if things esclate, they have to bring in the troops. The fallout from the former leaves the rioters emboldened, the latter causes France to lose face internationally. If the riots do manage to die down on their own, which is entirely possible, it solves nothing. It only reinforces the sense of lawlessness that exists. French authorities will only withdraw further and more completely from those areas. Eventually, Fire, police and ambulances will no go there under any circumstances, let alone alone or after dark. Should that happen, the powderkeg will indeed, explode and that won't be pretty.
France is screwed because the police have said they cannot handle the situation. That only leaves the Army. Chirac IS NOT going to call them as that would be a confession that things are VERY BAD. So, either they hope to contain this until it dies down and then resume until next time, or if things esclate, they have to bring in the troops. The fallout from the former leaves the rioters emboldened, the latter causes France to lose face internationally. If the riots do manage to die down on their own, which is entirely possible, it solves nothing. It only reinforces the sense of lawlessness that exists. French authorities will only withdraw further and more completely from those areas. Eventually, Fire, police and ambulances will no go there under any circumstances, let alone alone or after dark. Should that happen, the powderkeg will indeed, explode and that won't be pretty.