Sticking Up for Thimerosal. Thimerosal is the bete noire of a good portion of the autism community. Many parents blame the drug companies for recklessly endangering our children by using a mercury based perservative in vaccines that they believe causes autism. These same parents often point to chelation (cleansing the body of toxins) as a cure for autism. I don't know where I come down on this one. I don't think Thimerosal is the great evil that they propose but I don't think it's a good idea and probably not too safe either. I absolutely believe the explosion in the number of cases is due to awareness and a change in DSM-IV which includes PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developemental Delay - Not Otherwise Specified). Essentially, any kid who has developmental delays can end up in this catch-all category. It is useful in that, it allows parents of said kids to receive services from the state (or others) to help them. This is known as "early intervention". My son was originally classified as PDD-NOS and when he was evaluated to see if he qualified to attend a school specifically for autistic children, the director of the progam told us, and I quote: "Don't get your hopes up. Not many kids qualify for our program". An hour later after the screening was done, he was enrolled.
Very well done.
Leave Me from Daros Films on Vimeo . Bring a hankie.
Got your post about your son just now and found your blog. Blogging to me is just my way to let out all of the frustrations without spewing them on someone else, like a family members.
I don't know much about your son, but don't lose hope. Hang in there, he needs you. You are his voice right now, and even though that's a lot of pressure on a person, I can think of no greater role. I don't know why we were given these roles, but we have been and the real story will be what we do now.
Just know, there are a lot of others who are in this boat. Language comes in many forms, some not audible. You child has much to say, and I still believe that each child has a purpose, no lesser than another's, whether they speak or not. Hang in there. Your story is not over yet!
Hope I didn't offend you by writing, and even though Alec is talking, I know a touch of how you feel.