Joi Ito talks about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I think forgetting is not necessarily a good thing but it should be kept in perspective. History becomes most controversial (IMNHO) when the people that lived it first hand, are gone. The Shoa Foundation has made it's mission the documentation of the horrors of the holocost. Much to their credit. Kim DuToit told his son when they went to a concentration camp that someday, this will be gone and someone will tell you it never happened. I want you to look and remember so you can say you saw it. I think the Japanese (and Americans) are right to remember that we dropped the bomb but also, why we dropped it.
Trivia Question: How many Japanese units surrendered in all of World War II?
Answer: Zero. None. They literally fought to the death. They would have fought to the last man.
Trivia Question: How many Japanese units surrendered in all of World War II?
Answer: Zero. None. They literally fought to the death. They would have fought to the last man.