A few observations today: (NB: some of the comments below are judgmental, insensitive, un-PC and so on. You have been warned)
It is a commonly accepted principle of our society that you keep to the right when walking. Why is this so hard to understand? What kind of ejit do you have to be to not know that?
The woman who sits next to me is wearing:
Black satin baseball jacket
pink & white striped shirt
Pink pedal pusher pants
white knee socks
white sandals.
Do you have a FRIGGING CLUE that you should wear that to the office? We are a FRIGGIN Fortune 50 COMPANY!
I cannot stand swishy effeminate men. I don't care if they're gay or straight but swishy and effeminate men drive me up the wall. That lispy voice makes me want to scream, "BE A MAN! ACT LIKE A MAN! TALK. LIKE. A. MAN."
(can you tell I'm cranky today?)
I have never worked at a place with a more useless, hapless helpdesk. Seriously, the people they have on the phone should simply log the call. They have two pieces of advice they offer no matter what the problem:
1. Reboot
2. Reboot again.
Thanks, that's very helpful
It is a commonly accepted principle of our society that you keep to the right when walking. Why is this so hard to understand? What kind of ejit do you have to be to not know that?
The woman who sits next to me is wearing:
Black satin baseball jacket
pink & white striped shirt
Pink pedal pusher pants
white knee socks
white sandals.
Do you have a FRIGGING CLUE that you should wear that to the office? We are a FRIGGIN Fortune 50 COMPANY!
I cannot stand swishy effeminate men. I don't care if they're gay or straight but swishy and effeminate men drive me up the wall. That lispy voice makes me want to scream, "BE A MAN! ACT LIKE A MAN! TALK. LIKE. A. MAN."
(can you tell I'm cranky today?)
I have never worked at a place with a more useless, hapless helpdesk. Seriously, the people they have on the phone should simply log the call. They have two pieces of advice they offer no matter what the problem:
1. Reboot
2. Reboot again.
Thanks, that's very helpful