Male-targeted ads found to be in no man's land

I, for one, am sick to death of the way men, particularly fathers are portrayed in popular culture. On TV, every single father is a buffoon who haplessly botches everything he touches until ever wise Mom can fix it. Hilarity ensues. Look, I know from personal experience being a father is building tracks in front of an oncoming train. The kids are there and they're learning and growing up every minute of every day. I don't have a manual so I make it up as I go. Of course you're going to make mistakes. My wife and I often find ourselves questioning what to do in particular cirumstances. That does not mean that my life is like Everybody Loves Raymond. Wherein I (Raymond) am clueless and cower in fear of my wife (Debra) who is ever humorless and frowning.

In commercials men are either sex crazed maniacs or, again, objects of ridicule and mockery.

Some may think me a humorless killjoy for ranting about these things but I truly think it has a detrimental effect on kids. They form their ideas of family and fatherhood (to some degree) from TV. I'd love to see a return to a normal dad like Cliff Huxtable. He wasn't all knowing and all wise, he had his flaws and certainly there were times when his wife got the better of him, but he was not a bufoon. He used object lessons with the kids and often they were effective.

Bottom line: Hollywood hates Red America and shows it in almost every product they put out. No wonder the box office take is dropping every single year.


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