Telegraph | News | 1m Christians sign EU religion plea


now, the recreation of said post:

Is this the awakening of the Silent Majority (plurality maybe) in Europe?

American pundits have been shouting across the Atlantic that they have large and looming problems (a grave and gathering threat if you will, but not an immenent one). Their birthrate is below replacement levels and they are taking in large numbers of guest workers (Germany) and unbridled immigration (France, et al.). In the former case, this was done when Germany's economy was booming and they could not fill low wage jobs. With the union of East and West Germany, that is no longer a problem, nor is the Germany economy anywhere near booming. Now those guest workers are idle and living on the ample safety net that Germany has created. Likewise in France they have allowed many many "Magrev" or north African immigrants from places like Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco. These immigrants are largely Muslim and a great many remain unassimilated years after arriving here. They are cut off from mainstream French society and placed into housing developments that ring the major cities like Paris and Nantes. It is known as "the Zone" by the cops and it's not a place where they go unless they go in numbers and even then it's "hats and bats" (riot gear).
These regions are home to the increasingly radical and unemployed Muslims. The populace does not work. They draw funds from social services and they have created a subset of French society. There have been countless cases of gang rape that go unpunished and unreported. Those who are caught are unrepentant and blame the victims for being immodest or the like. There are those who point to a culture of shame as the cause. I'm not sure I agree. Either way, Europe is slowly waking from the dream of multiculturalism to find that mutual respect is required for that to work. The unassimilated radicals do not share their beliefs. They are kufir and must be made low.
It took only one death in the Netherlands to wake them from their slumber. How many will it take in France? Germany? I fear the backlash that may now be inevitable. Germany has a history with strongmen when times are tough and threats abound. France still paints a rosy picture of Napoleon and the ancien regime. In the last election Jean Marie Le Pen garnered almost a third of the vote in the primaries. Le Pen is an unabashed nationalist, authoritarian, reactionary and (argueably) racist. There is great disquiet in France and much of it is unspoken in polite company. Other times, it's quite open. If there is a major clash between Muslims and police or other such event, the match might finally meet the tinderbox. Could someone like Le Pen arise in the next election cycle when there are daily clashes across the country and the death count starts to climb? I fear it may not only be true, but inevitable.


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