Bush Plans New Agency to Dole Out Billions in Aid
I'm of two minds on this one. One one hand the ever expansive federal government is a horrid horrid thing. However, I do understand what he's trying to do and that is a good thing. Giving out foreign aid to nations that have been our friends in the past is not a good way of doing business. Egypt recieves a TON of foreign aid by virtue of their peace treaty with Israel from the 1970's. Carter rightly used both carrot and stick to lure them into a treaty. (That's as close as I'll come to praising Jimmy Carter's presidency.) However, they have since, denegrated into the fever-swamp of Islamofascism and anti-Semitism. (I realize that is redundant) The latter is proven by their airing of a multipart mini-series on government television about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and how it is factual and affects the world today. This festering piece of crap has been around for a LONG long time and has been known to be fiction for nearly as long as it's been around. None of this, however, matters to the Egyptians. As long as it portrays Jews as oppressors and evil and sinister and plotting it's ok with them.
One of the very difficult long term things we're going to be fighting is the meme of anti-Semitism. Europe has seen it's atavistic return after a brief stint on the back burner. Europeans claim to be so worldy and wise and beneficient but they cannot see the mote in thine own eye.
Sure we as a nation have a sad history of the same but most of that went out with the 1950's. The oddest thing is that today, the last remnants of anti-semitism reside on the left, not the right. When Cynthia McKinney (Jihad Party - GA) lost her re-election bid in a landslide she alluded to and her father stated directly that Jews were the reason she lost.
My home town has an old posh Country club that was once the bastion of WASPiness. Now, however, it is more than half Jewish. (The other half of the town goes to the JCC on the opposite hill). My how times have changed. I used to caddy there when I was a kid. My first outing was a foursome. Cavaluzzi, Stein, Williams and one other guy I can't remember. An Italian Catholic lawyer (with a bad golf game and a temper to match), a Jewish Accountant who was unflappable and very considerate of the help (read: me) and Williams who enjoyed stoking the fires of Cavaluzzi's temper more than playing golf.
I'm of two minds on this one. One one hand the ever expansive federal government is a horrid horrid thing. However, I do understand what he's trying to do and that is a good thing. Giving out foreign aid to nations that have been our friends in the past is not a good way of doing business. Egypt recieves a TON of foreign aid by virtue of their peace treaty with Israel from the 1970's. Carter rightly used both carrot and stick to lure them into a treaty. (That's as close as I'll come to praising Jimmy Carter's presidency.) However, they have since, denegrated into the fever-swamp of Islamofascism and anti-Semitism. (I realize that is redundant) The latter is proven by their airing of a multipart mini-series on government television about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and how it is factual and affects the world today. This festering piece of crap has been around for a LONG long time and has been known to be fiction for nearly as long as it's been around. None of this, however, matters to the Egyptians. As long as it portrays Jews as oppressors and evil and sinister and plotting it's ok with them.
One of the very difficult long term things we're going to be fighting is the meme of anti-Semitism. Europe has seen it's atavistic return after a brief stint on the back burner. Europeans claim to be so worldy and wise and beneficient but they cannot see the mote in thine own eye.
Sure we as a nation have a sad history of the same but most of that went out with the 1950's. The oddest thing is that today, the last remnants of anti-semitism reside on the left, not the right. When Cynthia McKinney (Jihad Party - GA) lost her re-election bid in a landslide she alluded to and her father stated directly that Jews were the reason she lost.
My home town has an old posh Country club that was once the bastion of WASPiness. Now, however, it is more than half Jewish. (The other half of the town goes to the JCC on the opposite hill). My how times have changed. I used to caddy there when I was a kid. My first outing was a foursome. Cavaluzzi, Stein, Williams and one other guy I can't remember. An Italian Catholic lawyer (with a bad golf game and a temper to match), a Jewish Accountant who was unflappable and very considerate of the help (read: me) and Williams who enjoyed stoking the fires of Cavaluzzi's temper more than playing golf.