
Stick season

 Its been a few months now but the pain has barely faded at all.  Most of the time I'm able to distract myself and not think about it but sometimes life has other plans.   I was listening to Spotify and it added a song to my playlist that I hadn't heard before.  Its called Stick Season by Noah Kahan of whom I've never heard.  It's an earworm about a man who lost a woman he loved by his own mistakes.  To say it hit close to home would be an understatement.  I'm trying to navigate my way through this and its not easy.  The irony of being struck in a relationship where I was miserable and I couldn't get out it fast enough and my ex who spent a year trying to pull me back in then going to a relationship that was actually healthy and the best one I've ever had only to lose it borders on cosmic cruelty.  I would be cruel were I not to blame.   A few of the lyrics were so poignant and heartfelt and resonated with me so strongly that I...


I've not spoken of this here but Depression, the Black Dog, is something I've struggled with for a very long time.  The last time I was not depressed was when I was deeply in love with a woman who saw me for who I am and loved me anyway.  I have never before or since loved someone so deeply, so completely as I did with her.  Unfortunately, I pushed her away and the pain and the loss are beyond what I could have expected.  I was married for over 20 year and  the loss of that relationship is far beyond any pain or loss I have experienced. The worst part is that it was my fault.  I cannot blame anyone else and every single day I contend with that loss. She knows this blog exists but I know she has moved on and does not read this.  I think that makes it easier to be honest. Knowing her as much as I do, she would likely roll her eyes at the fact that I am still in love with her.  She ended things and I'm quite certain that after that day she never thou...

Fate or fortune?

 So i received a message that my blog was made public after being private for quite some time.  I did not change anything and wasn't planning on making things public but I guess here we are.  Perhaps Divine Providence is telling me to write and keep it open to the world.  Either that or just an error of technology and that's that/


 The trip from "I want to spend the rest of my life with you" to "I don't see why we can't still be friends" was a short one.   The worst part is that out last conversation ended with "I guess I need more time" then nothing then a text message saying we can still be friends.   I'm so sad.  I don't want this to end and its harder knowing that it was my fault.  I don't think I'm cut out for a relationship.  I feel like a fool.

Tone down the rhetoric

 Donald Trump has now been shot once and came very close to being shot again.  During the presidential debate Harris said Trump is a threat to democracy and will be a dictator on day one.  I have not seen one mainstream outlet say anything about those statements and whether an unhinged person might do something dangerous based on such rhetoric. Instead, CNN has decided the storyline is that Trumps is to blame for his own shooting: If he would stop saying things people didn't like he wouldn't get shot I suppose.  I'm not going to draw any parallels to how women dress and whether that sends the wrong message to bad people.  I have it on good authority from my left leaning friends that only one side is engaging in hateful and/o...

That unfortunate ride in a convertible in Dallas

 I really enjoy Jimmy Dore's show.  If you don't watch it, you probably should.  He's a funny guy and his politics usually don't align with mine.  But I think he's honest and has no problem calling bullshit.   Here's a very interesting video he found of JFK's assassination.  I've never seen this footage before and while he may or may not be right this is very strange: I wonder if they ever interviewed that agent.  

This is curious....

 This video  is remarkable.   His own family is saying "whatever time they have left" indicating that they think he's dying?  That is astonishing.  He also says Biden's health is a factor in his withdrawal. If the above is true, this man is unable to run the country.  He should not be in office.  Period. We have a significant number of people in DC who have been telling us, until very recently, that Joe is absolutely on task and the best, most cogent version of himself ever.  Within days of the debate they are all reversing themselves.  They either have to explain how he could have possibly deteriorated that quickly or how they didn't know.  Or, they knew and they lied.  There are no good answers here. How on earth is he unable to run for re-election but absolutely able to do the toughest job in the world?

Strange days indeed.

 We are living in the weirdest of times.  Way stranger than fiction and frankly, if I was reading this in a novel, I'd have put it down as it's too hard to believe. Alex Berenson is a journalist I respect.  That's a very short list and I like him because like Glen Greenwald, he's left leaning and utterly honest.  He has zero problem taking his own to task when they're wrong and that, to me, is someone worth listening to.   I have near zero time for most of the Fox News crowd because they are hyperbolic, uncharitable and frankly boring.   That said... Read this article from Mr. Berenson and see if any of this seem strange to you.   My tin foil hat is ever tighter.  

Brief update

 Ok, so I'm going to try writing again as an attempt to hash out some things that I think about but haven't given enough effort to untangle.  This is largely based on conversations I have with a left wing person whom I greatly respect and has been good enough to challenge me and my ideas in a most respectful manner.  I find that in our conversations I'm falling short of what I want to say in a coherent manner.  Perhaps I can do that here.   Here's hoping

For Gerard

 Many moons ago, I started reading blogs and shortly thereafter I started reading them.  I became discouraged because I read many writers, far more talented than me and the ease with which they elucidated the very points I wanted to make but so much more elegantly and completely that I just gave up.    Gerard of American Digest was one such writer.  His facility with prose and his ability to evoke emotion was remarkable.  I linked to him once with my nascent blog and he was kind enough to reach out to me and thank me for the link.  I literally had zero readers.  Just like now.  But that was the measure of the man.  He took the time to reach out to me and genuinely thank me for the link.   The closest I ever had to meeting the man was meeting Morgan in person.  Morgan and Gerard were friends.  They had an evident mutual respect for their respective works.   I never met Gerard, didn't know the man personally b...