It's McCain

All but locked up. Romney needs every single vote from here on out to win. So, effectively it's over and it's McCain. The MSM will have their knives out for McCain now. They have been giving him a pass until now but now they're going to revert to type and smear, slander and deride any GOP nominee, even McCain. Next obvious question; who gets the VP nod. My initial thought was Rudy but he might show strong in NYC but he can't deliver NJ which is solidly blue no matter how fond of him they might be. Huckabee makes sense due to a surprising (to me anyway) showing across the south. Romney won't be able to deliver much beyond Utah. Not even Mass. would go for Mitt over any Democrat if he's only the VP and not heading the ticket.

Obama is reportedly winning in a very tight race. Privately, I believe Hillary is furious. It is, after all, her turn. She thinks it is her birthright to be the first female president and that goal trumps the need for a first black man as president. Interesting that the Democrat party is breaking across racial and gender lines. They've built their party on group identity for so long it was bound to bite them in the ass. Fault lines like that are bound to open very big rifts that may have unintended consequences.

Readers are invited to speculate on the following:

1. When will Romney and Huckabee bow out?
2. Who gets the VP nominee w/ McCain
3. Who will win the Democrat nominee and who will be VP for same?


Paul Smith Jr. said…
1) Romney will bow out within a week. Huckabee will hang on because he has nothing better to do.
2) It won't be one of his former competitors. It will be someone conservatives trust. I'll pick Chris Cox, former Congressman from California.
3) Hillary hangs on to win the nomination. VP would be Mark Warner of VA.
Well, Paul, I can see #1 has come true. Romney is all but gone, as CNN reported about 1/2 hour ago.

To me, this means that McCain doesn't need Huckabee to play spoiler anymore, and that's a good thing. I think you're right, though, that it will take awhile for Huckabee to get the hint and get gone. I just wish it would be sooner rather than later.

Yes, McCain needs a "trusted" conservative to help with all the bashing he's been getting from the right-wing pundits. Not that anyone really cares what they say, but it's an impression.

I hope Hillary wins on the Dem side. I don't think a Republican can beat Obama.

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