He had me fooled

"Adulterous" ex-Giants star Tiki Barber sued for divorce - NYPOST.com
He was running around town with his young mistress -- while his pregnant wife spent a week in the hospital -- and yesterday, Tiki Barber got tackled.

The ex-Giants star was slapped with divorce papers over his shameless gallivanting with 23-year-old former NBC intern Traci Lynn Johnson.

"He couldn't be more heartless," said a friend of the gridiron great and his eight-months-pregnant wife, Ginny, whose Manhattan divorce suit cites tricky Tiki's "adultery."

"[Ginny] is very heavily pregnant and was last week ordered into the hospital on bed rest," the friend said.

Emphasis mine.

I thought he was a good guy. Never saw him in the papers as a party guy or in trouble with the law or the ladies. Makes me sad to think that I was so easily fooled. Shame on you Tiki. I wish you had never worn the Blue.


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