I've been thinking...

My neighbor's dog was barking at 3:30 AM this morning. It occurred to me that he has more people hearing him than I do reading this blog. I'm at the point where I may just get up at 3:00 AM and start shouting randomly from the back porch. It will be about as effectual as this blog and I'll likely get more commenters than I do now.

I started this as an outlet and lately it's been feeling like work. I moan about Democrats (and sometimes Republicans), whine about Woe Is Me tales of sleep depravation and autism and blah blah blah. What's the point? I came here looking for substantive debate and I'm not getting it. I have not found anyone who is interested in an exchange of ideas. That's not entirely true. There are some but they're largely in agreement with me which hardly makes for anything interesting.

DonViti used to be interested but once he took his site down in favor of the new one that was very quickly the end of that. Now he's the resident jester. He's good for perhaps one semi serious answer and then the antics begin. I'm not knocking him for it. It's his blog and if that's what he wants to do, have at it. I just miss the old site.

Hube, Paul, Jeff, Morgan, Ms. AO et al. are faithful readers but it stops there. Either I'm posting things that are so closed loop that commenting is pointless or I'm preaching to the choir. In either case, that's not what I wanted to do here.

I feel like I'm repeating myself and each iteration is a thinner rehash of the previous post. I don't have a particular focus for the blog. I'm not a political blogger. The pace for that one is exhausting on a national level and very quickly becomes navel grazing on the local level. Not to mention there are people doing far better job on both than I could.

I don't want to be an Autism blog because I don't want it to define me. I am, and my son is, far more than just Autism. Frankly, that's a day to day thing and the cycle is pretty much a known quantity now.

Work related blogging is best kept vague for obvious reasons and even that isn't particularly interesting other than the occasional anecdote.

News blogging? Bah. Between Drudge and Instapundit you're more than covered.

That doesn't leave much. I asked readers why they came. Most said they just liked my take on things. I appreciate that. Really, I do but I feel like I'm losing heart here. This isn't a bleg for comments or links or love or whatever. I'm just not motivated to keep it up. I've taken breaks before and they helped. Maybe I'll take another one. The odd thing is, when those breaks were over, I wanted to blog again but just feel...directionless. Six and a half years of pointless yammering. I was thinking, "What would I miss if I deleted the whole damn thing?" I can't think of a single post that I can point to. That really gives me pause.

Stay tuned.


I feel your pain. I don't fit into any particular niche well enough to be able to exploit it. I'm christian, but not a god blogger. I shoot, but I'm not a gun blogger. I have a limit on the amount of politics I can take, so not really a wonk. Etc, etc.

If I had more things to keep me busy at work, I probably wouldn't bother to blog at all. I guess I'm just a nerd with a big mouth.
Paul Smith Jr. said…
I'm similar to Jeff. I find if I blog, I talk less politics to my friends and coworkers and so annoy them less. It's not really about people reading me as much as it is venting/

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