Monday Quick Notes.

Iranian students chant "Death to the Dictator" at the president (theirs, not ours).

The worst colleges in America.
Presented without comment because you have to read it to believe it.

Left-handers 'think' more quickly. Well, yes. Everyone knows this.

The fast transfer of information in the brain makes left-handers more efficient when dealing with multiple stimuli.

Experts said left-handers tended to use both sides of the brain more easily.

All this and we're still modest about it.

The resident at another blog who I'll not name gets very hostile to the notion of God and religion. Sobran talks about it here. Others have commented that the hostility stems from insecurity in ones beliefs. True believers (of whatever stripe) are usually the unflappable types.

Illegal muslim immigrant seeks hazmat driving license but has no interest in learning the finer points of handling a big rig.
Where have I seen this before?

Coolest expanding circular table ever.

This one may garner a longer post but here's an article about doing business in China and the attentant costs. A quick review will show you why everything we buy is made there and why China lives and dies by its ability to be the low cost provider for manufacturing.

AP less credible than DonViti
which is really saying something. OK, that may be overstating things and I apologize to the AP. HA!

No seriously, first it was Dan Rather and then it was Fauxtography and Green Helmet guy and now this.

The Spy Who Knew Too Much
"The investigation into the death of a Russian dissident in London heats up and sheds an ugly light on Vladimir Putin's rule". I would add ....for those who have not been paying attention.

Sirius and XM merger in the works?

Sirius Pain
XM and Sirius could both lose the satellite radio wars.

For XM and Sirius, the main challenge is probably cultural as much as it is financial. The half-life of a great idea is exceedingly short in the 21st century. In a world where radio mediocrities—the generic KISS-FMs and HOT 97s—dominated Americans' ears, the concept of paying for an advertising-free set of music channels made lots of sense. But in a world where the Internet and the iPod allow people to assemble, carry, and play vast multimedia libraries with them wherever they like, not so much.

What he's missing is that Sirius offers new content. Something iPods do not. That's the appeal. Uninterrupted music and uncensored content (Stern). I mentioned this here and the response was "what about anti-trust?"

Likely the DOJ will drag their feet to allow them time to become profitable and stable. I'd argue that it's not a monopoly. Free radio exists and saturates a far larger market so as to make any claims of monopoly laughable.

Mess with your customers and they'll find a way to beat you. Very clever. Well done, Sir.

Not to praise him but to bury him. Hitch on Pinochet.


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