Dappled Things has the following quiz:

The answers to the questions are by putting your iTunes on random and clicking forward with each question.

How does the world see you? Resta Qui (Bocelli)

Will I have a happy life? Everybody's Free (Baz Luhrmann)

What do my friends really think of me? Insensitive (Jann Arden) Ha!

What do people secretly think of me? M'apparte Tutt'amore

How can I be happy? Why do I always want you (Saw Doctors)

What should I do with my life? High-Wire Stunts (Jurrassic Park/John Williams)

Will I ever have children? Macnas Parade (Saw Doctors)

What is some good advice for me? Into The West (Howard Shore)

How will I be remembered? Litle Star (Solas)

What is my signature dancing song? No Rain (Blind Melon)

What do I think my current theme song is? All Of Your Might (Jay Farrar)

What does everyone else think my current theme song is? Don't Let Me Down (Saw Doctors)

What song will play at my funeral? I've Got You Under My Skin (Old Blue Eyes)

What type of men/women do you like? I Used to Love Her (Saw Doctors)

What is my day going to be like? Brilliant Disguise (Bruce Springsteen)

NB: I cheated out of necessity. I have some audiobooks in my library and "Chapter 5" isn't instructive and not what I think the creator had in mind when they made this list.


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